On arrival
Bringing animals with you
Getting a mobile phone
Opening a bank account
Personal numbers
Social security, healthcare and benefits
Child benefit
Practical life in Sweden
Churches in Danderyd
Driving in Sweden
Congestion charges
Insuring your car
Taking the driving test
Foreign driving licences
Traffic signs
Parking clocks
Parking signs
Parking in Danderyd
Parking with a clock in Danderyd
Applying for Danderyd schools
Schools in Danderyd
Health services
Dentists in Danderyd
Doctors in Danderyd
European health card
Money and banking
Postal service
Being pregnant
Public holidays and useful dates
Setting up home in Sweden
Electricity suppliers
Buying a home in Sweden
Mortgage rules from June 2016
Renting a home in Sweden
Insurance for your home and travel
Rubbish and recycling in Danderyd
TV, phone and internet
Reporting problems in the neighbourhood
Water supplier in Danderyd
Everything Swedish
Learning Swedish
Online cookie notices
Some interesting traditions and customs
Some interesting laws
Out in Danderyd
Danderyd council
Danderyd in numbers
Danderyd Information Centre
How Danderyd's council is run
Everything about cars in Danderyd
Getting cash out
Leisure facilities in Danderyd
Danderyd culture school
Libraries in Danderyd
Nature society in Danderyd
Mörby Centrum/Danderyd Centrum
Post offices in Danderyd
Public transport in Danderyd
Restaurants and cafes in Danderyd
Shopping in Danderyd
Food and drink shopping in Danderyd
Homeware and DIY shops
Sports clubs in Danderyd
Youth centres in Danderyd
Working and running a business
Business associations in Danderyd
Getting a job
Getting your foreign qualifications recognised
Setting up a business
Unemployment insurance
Working in Danderyd
Need help?
The NiS team
Special packages
JANUARY 17: New in Danderyd full membership (80% off)
SEKĀ 2,499.00
SEKĀ 499.00
On arrival
Bringing animals with you
Getting a mobile phone
Opening a bank account
Personal numbers
Social security, healthcare and benefits
Child benefit
Practical life in Sweden
Churches in Danderyd
Driving in Sweden
Congestion charges
Insuring your car
Taking the driving test
Foreign driving licences
Traffic signs
Parking clocks
Parking signs
Parking in Danderyd
Parking with a clock in Danderyd
Applying for Danderyd schools
Schools in Danderyd
Health services
Dentists in Danderyd
Doctors in Danderyd
European health card
Money and banking
Postal service
Being pregnant
Public holidays and useful dates
Setting up home in Sweden
Electricity suppliers
Buying a home in Sweden
Mortgage rules from June 2016
Renting a home in Sweden
Insurance for your home and travel
Rubbish and recycling in Danderyd
TV, phone and internet
Reporting problems in the neighbourhood
Water supplier in Danderyd
Everything Swedish
Learning Swedish
Online cookie notices
Some interesting traditions and customs
Some interesting laws
Out in Danderyd
Danderyd council
Danderyd in numbers
Danderyd Information Centre
How Danderyd's council is run
Everything about cars in Danderyd
Getting cash out
Leisure facilities in Danderyd
Danderyd culture school
Libraries in Danderyd
Nature society in Danderyd
Mörby Centrum/Danderyd Centrum
Post offices in Danderyd
Public transport in Danderyd
Restaurants and cafes in Danderyd
Shopping in Danderyd
Food and drink shopping in Danderyd
Homeware and DIY shops
Sports clubs in Danderyd
Youth centres in Danderyd
Working and running a business
Business associations in Danderyd
Getting a job
Getting your foreign qualifications recognised
Setting up a business
Unemployment insurance
Working in Danderyd
Need help?
The NiS team